Product Development
Acting as project manager, I lead and organize the collaboration between science, policy, and program experts with our graphic design and public relations teams in communications planning. We work together to conceive, write, design, review, and distribute visual communication products for public education and outreach. I also develop language, copy edit, and provide art direction for these projects.
2021 West Coast Whale Entanglement Summary
Each year, NOAA Fisheries collects, verifies, documents, and responds to reports of large whale entanglements. The 2021 U.S. West Coast reports, and other relevant information and developments are included in this summary.
The Original Salmon Stewards
The original habitat of California’s endangered winter-run Chinook salmon is also the ancestral home of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe. The Winnemem Wintu Tribe know themselves as the Middle Water People of the McCloud River. Their culture and lifeway is dependent and intertwined with their relatives the Nur, the Central Valley salmon, that is thousands of years old.
West Coast Salmon Murals: Salmon Stewardship through Public Art
For thousands of years, salmon have played a vital role in cultures and economies around the world.
How can we inspire conservation and stewardship when the odds seem insurmountable? Art is one powerful tool in our conservation toolbox. Through our Science in Studio program, NOAA Fisheries worked with ecomuralist Esteban Camacho Steffensen to put a spotlight on the magnetism and plight of Pacific salmon.
Species in the Spotlight: Priority Actions 2021-2025, Southern Resident Killer Whale
The Species in the Spotlight initiative is a concerted agency-wide effort to spotlight and save marine species most at-risk of extinction in the near future. This plan focuses on priority actions needed in 2021-2025 for the Southern Resident killer whale.
Large Whale Entanglement Photo Documentation Checklist
By reducing the number of large whale entanglements and minimizing the likelihood of large whales becoming entangled in fishing gear, NOAA Fisheries can continue to promote the recovery and conservation of healthy whale populations along the U.S. West Coast.
Green Sturgeon Brochure
Public community outreach brochure about the endangered North American Green Sturgeon
I'm Counting on You! Salmon Brochure About Issues Affecting Salmon and How You Can Help
Learn about the threats facing salmon and what you can do to help.
How the Mitchell Act Supports Fisheries Factsheet
Congress passed the Mitchell Act in 1938 to advance the conservation of salmon and steelhead fishery resources in the Columbia River Basin. Mitchell Act funding has supported the establishment, operation, and maintenance of hatchery facilities in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.